Jim Edwards

During Hurricane Harvey, Jim Edwards had to be evacuated from his home in South Union. “The water came in through [the front] and sat and then [the floor] just went down,” he explained. Waters rose to near-waist level and caused enough damage that Mr. Edwards’ home had to be demolished. The Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program built him a brand-new house, which is open, bright, and most importantly, elevated to keep him safe from future flooding events.

“It’s a miracle,” said Mr. Edwards as he received the keys to the house. Being back in a place that offers safety and warmth brought tears of gratitude to his eyes. “I can’t imagine better. Y’all did a great job.”

Even while thanking his inspector and builders for their work, Mr. Edwards was trying to help others around him. He has been in the neighborhood for nearly fifty years, in his house since 1975. He’s a warm member of his neighborhood, often helping with the yardwork of everyone on his street and in his church community. Being steeped in his community matters to him. “Since I’ve been here in ‘75, I’ve been taking care of them,” explained Mr. Edwards, “And they all look out for me.” He told City staff stories about his neighbors and asked how he could bring more aid to the community.

When asked what his plan was now that he has this new home, Mr. Edwards relaxed into a laugh. “Oh, I’m planning to just enjoy life. Enjoy my life.”

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Recovery for Hurricane Harvey is happening now! The first step to getting recovery help is to complete the Harvey Recovery Survey. All other questions can be directed to our call center at 832-393-0550.