Recovery Programs

Homeowner Assistance Program

The Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program (HoAP) helps eligible homeowners recover after Hurricane Harvey by reimbursing the costs of repairs.

Homebuyer Assistance

The Harvey Homebuyer Assistance Program provides up to $30,000 in down payment assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers and people replacing homes destroyed during Hurricane Harvey.

Single Family Development

The Harvey Single-Family Development Program supports the construction of new, flood-resilient homes to alleviate the strain in the housing market, particularly for low-income households.


The Harvey Multifamily Program addresses our underlying shortage of affordable rental units by creating new, flood-resilient apartment complexes that can be rented affordably.

Small Rental

The Harvey Recovery Small Rental Program supports the work of local non-profits who are building and rehabilitating small (2-7 property) rental complexes.

Economic Development

The Harvey Economic Development Program allocates funds to small businesses that were damaged during Hurricane Harvey to help boost recovery from all sectors.


The Harvey Buyout Program purchases flood-prone apartment complexes and converts these areas into green space, detention ponds, or other disaster mitigation projects.

Public Services

The Harvey Public Services Program supports the work of selected non-profits who are providing essential services to Houstonians still trying to recover.


Planning activities for Hurricane Harvey Recovery include conducting studies of neighborhoods and using research findings to create equitable strategies for mitigation of future storms.