Mary Nash

This week, HCD and builder Burghli Homes were delighted to help Ms. Mary Nash move into her home, which was newly rebuilt through the Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program. Ms. Nash’s home was leaking and…

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Jim Edwards

During Hurricane Harvey, Jim Edwards had to be evacuated from his home in South Union. “The water came in through [the front] and sat and then [the floor] just went down,” he explained. Waters rose to near-waist level and caused enough damage that Mr. Edwards’ home had to be demolished. The Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program built him a brand-new house, which is open, bright, and most importantly, elevated to keep him safe from future flooding events.

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Kathy Gabriel

On the day she moved in, Mrs. Gabriel and her family members stood on the elevated porch watching furniture arrive in the middle of another rainstorm. But instead of worrying about the rain, the family was focused on other things: like how to arrange her furniture and who will host Thanksgiving. It was a bright and warm morning despite the rain, thanks to family and friends filling her house with well-wishes.

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Mr. and Mrs. Zavala

Mr. and Mrs. Zavala in the Northside region also qualified to have their home completely rebuilt through the Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program. They began the application process earlier this year and are now getting to see their house demolished and rebuilt. The new home will be elevated to prevent from future flooding. Meanwhile, the Zavala family remains active in their community, supporting their neighbors through Harvey recovery and participating in events with their civil organizations. They remain enthusiastic about their construction. They have all but adopted their housing specialist, Nancy, and have promised to make tamales for a party to celebrate reconstruction.

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Emma Wood

Emma Wood (81) has lived in her house in South Park for 50 years. Now, she’s about to get a new one. Hurricane Harvey devastated Ms. Wood’s home and made it difficult for her to continue with her way of life. Even after turning to many different organizations, no one could get Ms. Wood the help she needed. Then she learned about Build it Forward Houston and qualified to receive aid.
Ms. Wood will get a newly constructed, elevated home, where she and her son can live safely, without worrying about future flooding. Demolition on Ms. Wood’s home began July 31, and she received her keys to the new home on August 23. “I never thought I’d get a house like this at my age,” says Wood. She agrees that the long process was worth it. “You have to be patient, but stick with it.” Soon, she’ll be able to get back to the parts of life she enjoys, like caring for the elderly and baking for her church community. She is among the first set of homeowners to begin the process of reconstruction.

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Hurricane Harvey – Single Family Program Update

affordable rental units being developed to provide quality, flood-safe options to low-to-moderate income families
homeowners assisted through the Harvey homeowner assistance program
single-family homeowners reimbursed for repairs to flood-damaged homes*

*Some homeowners may receive a reimbursement check while also participating in the rehab option.

Disaster Recovery Programs

Hurricane Ike

Long-term recovery aid for Hurricane Ike was made available in two rounds, in 2009 and 2012. In the first round, our department used these recovery funds to repair and rebuild homes, assist new and hurricane-affected homebuyers with down payment, and create new multifamily homes in safe, resilient locations. Our second round of funding continued to repair and rebuild homes and create new multifamily homes.

Disaster Recovery 2015

In 2015, Houston experienced two major flooding disasters and received $87 million in federal funding to help with recovery. The main program to address the 2015 flooding is our Single Family Home Repair Program. The City also runs a voluntary Housing Buyout program for damaged properties in the floodway that cannot be reconstructed and supports infrastructure projects.

Disaster Recovery 2016 (DR-16)

Houston saw two storms in 2016 that were classified as major disasters. The City received $23 million to help residents recover from these floods. These funds will be used by the Multifamily Voluntary Buyout Program, which will remove multifamily homes from areas at severe risk of flooding to prevent future flood impacts to families.

Hurricane Harvey (DR-17)

The City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department updates this page with information about disaster recovery programs for Hurricane Harvey.

Disaster Recovery Mitigation 2017

The City of Houston will receive more than $61 million in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) to fund mitigation projects that will lower the risk of impacts from future disasters.

Winter Storm URI (The 2021 Freeze)

Winter Storm Uri struck Texas in February 2021. The ultra-low temperatures caused dangerous travel conditions and widespread electricity and water outages throughout the state, impacting residents, homes, businesses, and infrastructure.

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